Eitt af mínum uppáhalds síðan heyrði það fyrst

Þarf engin orð með þessu - Just Enjoy  Smile  Lagið sjálft byrjar eftri 1 1/2 mín... en  mér finnst svo gaman að sjá hvað þeir njóta þess enn að spila og byrjunin er góð  Whistling


You're not shy, you get around
You wanna fly, don't want your feet on the ground
You stay up, you won't come down
You wanna live, you wanna move to the sound
Got fire, in your veins, burnin' hot, but you don't feel the pain
Your desire, is insane, you can't stop, until you do it again
But sometimes I wonder as I look in your eyes
That maybe you're thinking of some other guy
But I know, yes I know, how to treat you right
That's why you call me in the middle of the night

You say it's urgent, so urgent, so-oh-oh urgent...

Just you wait and see, how urgent, my love can be, it's urgent...

You play tricks, on my mind, you're everywhere

But you're so hard to find, you're not warm, or sentimental
You're so extreme, you can be so temperamental
But I'm not looking for a love that will last
I know what I need and I need it fast
Yeah, there's one thing in common that we both share
That's a need for for each other anytime, anywhere

It gets so urgent, so urgent, you know it's, urgent

I wanna tell you it's the same for me, ooh-oooh, so-oh-oh urgent...
Just you wait and see, how urgent, our love can be, it's urgent...

You say it's urgent, make it fast, make it urgent

Do it quick, do it urgent, gotta rush, make it urgent...Want it quick
Urgent, urgent, emergency...Urgent, urgent, emergency...
Urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent, emergency
Urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent, emergency, so urgent, emergency
Emer-(ooh-oooh) emer-(ooh-oooh) emer-(ooh-oooh) It's urgent
So urgent...


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